Thursday, December 7, 2006

Styles Of Wine Racks by Catherine Olivia

Wine racks come in all sizes. If you do an internet search for wine rack you'll find sites that have custom designed wine cellars to hold hundreds of bottles under perfect climactic conditions to sites that have decorative counter top wrought iron wine racks that hold 4 to 6 bottles, the choices are endless.

Wine Storage Is Important

Those who teach about wine storage teach about the importance of temperature, humidity, ventilation, and the angle of storage. Some even preach that care should be taken to make sure there is no vibration to work up the sediment from the bottom of the bottle. A little too much for me.

If you're like me, you only have a handful of wine bottles at any time, maybe 4 or 5. In keeping with the fundamental basic of never letting a cork dry out, I've got the bottles rolling around on their sides in a cabinet in the kitchen. This has been OK for my 4 or 5 bottles, not one of which cost me over $25.00. But now it's time for me to step up and find a wine rack.

Most true wine connoisseur's, those who spend their time researching the best year for a particular grape, who know the best growing regions and grape varietals, those who know how the wine is aged, those who spend anywhere from $50.00 and up for a bottle, who may buy a case of wine at a time, those people require more sophisticated wine storage.

Jazz Up Your Kitchen With A Wine Rack

All I want a wine rack that will hold a few bottles, outof the way that will look nice and enhance the style of my kitchen. There are many styles to choose from. There are some shelving wine rack units that come in a variety of finishes that will hold up to 150 bottles, too big. There is the 12 bottle wine rack with a very industrial look of wire and wood, not my style. There are some lovely wrought iron wine racks. A lovely set that are actually bookends that each hold three bottles, great to use if I had a library. How about a wrought iron cabinet with a lovely leaf design that holds up to 33 bottles? Or, a wrought iron hanging rack that holds up to eight bottles and eight wine glasses.... now we're getting close.

You may be amazed at the number of different wine racks you can find that will enhance the style of your home.

About the Author

To learn more about wine racks please visit

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Free "Wine Dine And Design Ezine"

Looking For inspiration when it comes to your wine collection? Wine Storage System?
When it comes to Wine Storage, Wine Racks, Wine Cellars, and World Food And Wine, Knows There Stuff....

And They Have For Your... At Not Cost... the Wine Dine And Design Ezine

Just Follow The Link, And Fill Out The Yellow Form, And They Will Rush a copy Of The Ezine To Your Inbox... It Could Not Be Easier!

Click Here For More

Hi And Welcome To Hanging Iron Wine Rack

Hello There, And Welcome To Hanging Iron Wine Rack.

When it Comes To Getting The Perfect Wine Rack, I am a perfectionist, So stay tuned And i will share my wine rack secrets with you in days to come!

Keep A Look out, i will be posting again in the next few days... Until then

